Friday, March 27, 2009

Bruised but not defeated

Join us for Bread & Roses on KBOO 90.7 FM, this Friday, 3/27 from 6 to 7 PM
Live web cast at

Hear about the challenges that single parents face, but also the incredible ingenuity they can cull during tough economic times like this. A conversation with the creators of Single Parent magazine, Claire Bean and Morgan Siler about their new venture, and with Ellen Bravo, author of "Taking on the Big Boys" about the economic challenges of women and single mothers worldwide.

We will also talk with Molly Frye, the Homeless Liaison in the Reynolds School District, about the educational rights of children who are in transition in between housing. The McKinney Vento Act is a federal law about the public school rights of children who lose their permanent home, but unfortunately many people are not aware of this law.

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