Sunday, July 6, 2008

Revolutionary Pumpkin Contest

Bread and Roses is bringing you the world's only feminist pumpkin growing contest/fundraiser /educational outreach mission!

Our subcommittee worked out the following details:
1. Pumpkin Coach: Kris we'll provide all pumpkining tips. The variety is CINDERELLA. For more info, also see:

2. Pumpkin Judge: Jen -- voted in by popular demand

Raffle / fundraiser
We will raise a TON of money raffling off the pumpkins. Ok, maybe at least $500, by selling raffle tickets in the fall, $2 each. The money will be divided between a local and international cause, such as the North by Northeast Health Clinic, etc.

Raffle winners will get a wonderful pumpkin who, due to her spirit, will be named after a great heroine, of the growers' choice. (Growers must be in tune with the pumpkin's psyche.) The pumpkin will come with a little bio of the heroine. (Marlene can provide historical advice.) This is our educational outreach.

The pumpkins will also be judged in a contest for poise, personality and revolutionary spirit, and/or whatever the judge decides to judge them on. Pumpkin judgement will take place in the fall at Kris/Suki's cantina. We'll also do the raffle drawing at that time. Contest winners will receive something, though it's unclear what.

Thank you all,
(revolutionary pumpkin contest committee)

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